The single-player campaign is supposed to be 6-8 hours long -- not very much at all for $60. The multiplayer looks like fun, but not the kind of thing that I'd spend a lot of time playing.
If I get it now, I get the single-player, and am guaranteed multiplayer matchups, at least for a while. If I wait a while, I can get the game for a lot less, especially given the number of other FPS titles gearing up for release, but the odds of finding online play are a lot lower. This really bit me with Monday Night Combat -- it's fun, but finding a co-op game usually means bringing a book to the XBox and reading for half-an-hour or so while waiting. For a major game, like Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, it's not a big deal -- there were still a couple of hundred thousand people online last weekend. Bulletstorm -- not that kind of triple-A title.
How do you figure how much a game is worth, and when to buy it?
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